This will be the second Halloween for A Baby Name Per Day, so I thought I'd revisit 2011's October posts. Zelda - as in Zelda Spellman, from "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" My first list of Halloween baby names - for girls I loved Persephone, Beatrix, Hallow, Eve, Drusilla, Rowena, Jacquelyn, Lilith, Stormy, Jetta, Lamia, Felina, Circe, Lilura, Taika, Zillah, Twila, Desdemona, and Branwen... for boys I loved Salem, Casper, Samhain, Roderick, Damon, Blake, Orpheus, Ichabod (nn Ike) and Night...and ohhhh, the unisex list! Hallow - I thought this was just too cool Samhain - a great new way to get Sam as a nickname Falena - not quite sure why I think moths go so well with Halloween, but I do...maybe because they come out at night, and they're kind of mysterious Casper - needs no introduction Sabrina - not many known Sabrina's Celtic origins Bram - for Bram Stoker Persephone - the goddess abducted by Hades Opal - October's birth s...
names from history and fantasy