Accalia, Aissa, Ambriella, Anastassia, Annesley, Annisa, Antonette, Avabelle, Avriella
Belicia, Bell, Bia (a goddess), Bitania, Brigitta, Briona, Bronte, Branwen
Cecilie, Chandra, Chetana, Chriselle, Claritza, Corazon
Daciana, Deidra, Derica, Deva, Domino, Doriana
Eisele, Eleri, Eline, Elisea, Emmelina, Elora, Enora, Essa, Eudora, Evania
Fatimatou, Faviola, Felina, Fionnuala, Florentina, Fortune
Gabriana, Gael, Garnet, Gene, Genoveva, Giordana, Gwenneth, Gwynneth
Haydan, Helina, Hodaya, Holliday (possibly the extra L is to give notice that it's being used as a name and not the word)
Ilyse, Isana
Jara, Jarah, Jem, Jenia, Jera, Jerra, Jet, Jezebelle, Jora
Kaede, Kathalia (which is a place name), Kei, Keirsten, Kelsa, Kesha, Kindra, Kirstin, Korinna
Larimar*, Leonore, Lilana, Lior, Lisbet, Lolly, Louna, Lucelia, Lucine, Lunetta, Lyria
Magenta, Marabel, Maryjane, Mazarine, Mystic
Nastasia, Nigella, Nitara
Omaria, Omnia, Oralia, Oria, Oriya
Padme, Patty, Pennylane (probably written Penny Lane in practice)
Raissa, Ramira, Rashida, Roy, Rune
Sadira, Sanna, Season, Shine, Shona, Sibylla, Sira, Silvie, Sincerity, Sorcha, Sorrel, Sulamita
Talullah, Tamora, Theory, Tigerlilly, Tilia, Triana
Valena, Valley, Vannia, Venezia
Windy, Wonder
*Larimar is a combination of Larissa and the root mar, meaning "sea." It is not a typical name, nor a typical "smoosh," and would not be used if it weren't for the Larimar gemstone, which is also known as Stefilia's Stone (for reasons unknown), Atlantis stone, and the dolphin stone. It is found in the Dominican Republic.
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