Ruslan (ROOS-lahn) is a Slavic masculine name, and Ruslana is the feminine form. It is said this is the Russian form of the Turkic word arslan (and the Turkish name Aslan), meaning "lion." That may be true but there is also a possibility it comes from the Kievan Rus, called Rus, the Rusichan or Ruthenians, who came before Russia as we know it. If this is the case, Ruslan likely means "to row/rower," and shares an etymological root with Russia itself. Some of you may recognize Aslan as the name of the lion in the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis. This is used in Russia and the surrounding area, and it's also a Circassian name. Eruslan, Yeruslan and Uruslan have been seen as variants.
One of the oldest uses of the name is of a legendary hero from the Pushkin poem/epic fairytale Ruslan and Ludmila published in 1820. The majority of namesakes are from the 1900's and includes plenty of footballers, other athletes, and politicians. Ruslan was also a 2014 movie.
20 boys in the U.S. were given the name Ruslan in 2017. It has been used consistently since 1998, all together since 1992, and 27 times was the most it was given in one year. No girls were named Ruslana, but there were 6 in 2010.
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