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Accalia (ah-KAH-lee-uh, uh-KAY-lee-uh) was the Etruscan woman from mythology that cared for the twins Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome, after they were suckled by a she-wolf or the goddess Rhea Silvia in the form of a wolf, who took them in when they were abandoned as the sons of the god Mars. In many places you will not find a meaning for this baby name, and in some instances the listed meaning will be "she-wolf," which is inaccurate. Accalia is likely from Acca Larentia, who was the wife of the shepherd Faustulus. Together they had twelve sons who became the Arval Brotherhood. In some cases it is said she was called lupa because of her personality, in others she was called that because she was a prostitute, and this is probably what spurred the legend of the she-wolf. In another version she was either a prize that Hercules won or a woman he helped get married, and the property she inherited upon that husband's death she then gave to the Roman people. But Accalia's meaning from Acca Larentia is "mother of the lares," as it is certainly connected to the Lares - guardian deities of the land or household.

Accalia (maybe an alternate name for Larentalia) may have been a feast thrown in this woman's honor, as her legend turned her into a goddess - the divine ancestor of Rome. Acca Larentia has gone by other names as well: Larenta, Larentia, Lara, Larunda, Larentina and Mater Laum.

Accalia Hipwood is a British radio host in Dubai. Accalia Quintana is a young actress. Accalia and the Swamp Monster is a story book with art by Kelli Scott Kelley; the original artwork has been on display at the Masur Museum of Art and the LSU Museum of Art. Accalia is also a novelette by Gabriel J. M. and Accalia is a novel by Kimberly Olsen, both are loosely based on Accalia's association with wolves from ancient mythology.

Accalia is rare given as a baby name in the U.S. In 2015 it was only given seven times, but every year since 2006, with an additional six in 2003 and five in 1999. As a side note, I noticed the number of girls names starting with Ac- are very few. Acacia and Acadia are really the only two substantial ones.


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