Either by sound or meaning, here are baby names inspired by the Periodic Table. Not all of the elements can have baby name spin-offs, because they're just too unique. For example, Plutonium. So I will include below the number, element name, and possible baby name. Also, there are 118 total so I will do this in two or three parts.
1 Hydrogen
Hydeira, "woman of the water" in Greek
Hydeira, "woman of the water" in Greek
Hydra - the constellation and mythological creature
2 Helium
Heli, Helia, Helios, "sun" in Greek (Heli is Finnish)
Heli, Helia, Helios, "sun" in Greek (Heli is Finnish)
3 Lithium
Lithia/Lithiya, same meaning as lithium, "stone" in Greek
Lithia/Lithiya, same meaning as lithium, "stone" in Greek
By sound - Illythia/Ilithyia, "readycomer" in Greek
There are a wealth of names that mean "stone," including Peter, Petra, Ebenezer, Kamen and Sixten
There are a wealth of names that mean "stone," including Peter, Petra, Ebenezer, Kamen and Sixten
4 Beryllium
Beryl, the gemstone, or one of the three types of beryl: Morganite (Morgan, Mogana), Heliodor (see #2 above), or Aquamarine
Verulia, an old Prakrit name for beryl
Emerald is green beryl - Emeraude, Esmeralda, Emerant, Esmerina
* The word brilliant may have come from the same word as beryl, so names meaning "brilliant" include Beli or Belenus, a Gaulish god; Aine, a Celtic name
Beryl, the gemstone, or one of the three types of beryl: Morganite (Morgan, Mogana), Heliodor (see #2 above), or Aquamarine
Verulia, an old Prakrit name for beryl
Emerald is green beryl - Emeraude, Esmeralda, Emerant, Esmerina
* The word brilliant may have come from the same word as beryl, so names meaning "brilliant" include Beli or Belenus, a Gaulish god; Aine, a Celtic name
5 Boron
Boris, a Bulgarian name meaning "small" or "god-like"
Boro, Croatian name
Boris, a Bulgarian name meaning "small" or "god-like"
Boro, Croatian name
6 Carbon
Carbon means "coal," so Kol, Cole, and any variants such as Kolfinna (f, Icelandic), Colton or Colt would work
Carbon means "coal," so Kol, Cole, and any variants such as Kolfinna (f, Icelandic), Colton or Colt would work
7 Nitrogen
Spanish diminutive Nita, or possibly Troy
Anitra, a Scandinavian name used in Peer Gynt for a princess
Spanish diminutive Nita, or possibly Troy
Anitra, a Scandinavian name used in Peer Gynt for a princess
8 Oxygen
Aether, Aetherie, Aetheria, "upper air" in Greek (the ae is prn. "ay")
Aether, Aetherie, Aetheria, "upper air" in Greek (the ae is prn. "ay")
Avira, "air" in Aramaic
Ilma, Ilmari, Ilmarinen, "air" in Finnish
Anil, Anila, "air" in Hindi
9 Flourine
While fluorine does not mean "flower," Flora names are similar in sound. The etymology of fluor is "flowing," so names like Brooke, Cari and Jordan would work.
10 Neon
For sound, any name beginning with Neo could work, but Neon, meaning "new" could work as a name on its own.
11 Sodium
Really the only thing close in sound is Sidonia
12 Magnesium
Magnus is really perfect here, and Magnolia or Magnilda for girls.
13 Aluminum
14 Silicon -- no suggestions
15 Phosphorus
Perhaps Phoebus/Phoibos, Photeus
16 Sulfur
The Welsh name Sulien for boys or Sulwen for girls, or the girls name Safira
17 Chlorine
Chloris, goddess, or perhaps French Clotilde
18 Argon
Aragon and Algernon would contain the same letters, but argon's etymology is "idle without work" so Millicent or Melisande would also work here.
19 Potassium -- no sugestions
20 Calcium
I am so tempted to say Calcifer, so I'll just leave it to tempt you Ghibli fans.
Calcia seems to have been an ancient name, the mythical mother of Cycnus.
Coral contains calcium.
21 Scandium -- no suggestions
22 Titanium
Titania, Titus
23 Vanadium
Vana for girls, Vance, Vandan or Vander for boys
This element was named after Vanadis (Freyja)
24 Chromium - Chronos, perhaps; Chrome if you are daring
25 Manganese -- no suggestions
26 Iron - Ira, Iro, Tetsu, Tetsuko
27 Cobalt - using Cobalt itself would be great
28 Nickel - anything beginning with Nick (or Nic)
29 Copper - Copper as a full name would work
30 Zinc -- Zina, Zino
9 Flourine
While fluorine does not mean "flower," Flora names are similar in sound. The etymology of fluor is "flowing," so names like Brooke, Cari and Jordan would work.
10 Neon
For sound, any name beginning with Neo could work, but Neon, meaning "new" could work as a name on its own.
11 Sodium
Really the only thing close in sound is Sidonia
12 Magnesium
Magnus is really perfect here, and Magnolia or Magnilda for girls.
13 Aluminum
14 Silicon -- no suggestions
15 Phosphorus
Perhaps Phoebus/Phoibos, Photeus
16 Sulfur
The Welsh name Sulien for boys or Sulwen for girls, or the girls name Safira
17 Chlorine
Chloris, goddess, or perhaps French Clotilde
18 Argon
Aragon and Algernon would contain the same letters, but argon's etymology is "idle without work" so Millicent or Melisande would also work here.
19 Potassium -- no sugestions
20 Calcium
I am so tempted to say Calcifer, so I'll just leave it to tempt you Ghibli fans.
Calcia seems to have been an ancient name, the mythical mother of Cycnus.
Coral contains calcium.
21 Scandium -- no suggestions
22 Titanium
Titania, Titus
23 Vanadium
Vana for girls, Vance, Vandan or Vander for boys
This element was named after Vanadis (Freyja)
24 Chromium - Chronos, perhaps; Chrome if you are daring
25 Manganese -- no suggestions
26 Iron - Ira, Iro, Tetsu, Tetsuko
27 Cobalt - using Cobalt itself would be great
28 Nickel - anything beginning with Nick (or Nic)
29 Copper - Copper as a full name would work
30 Zinc -- Zina, Zino
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