71. Lutetium - Lutece, Lutetia
72. Hafnium - Hafnia was Latin for Copenhagen
73. Tantalum - Tantalus from mythology
74. Tungsten - I think this one could work as a name itself, but the "tongue-like" sound might make that hard to live with
75. Rhenium - no suggestions
76. Osmium - Osmar, Osmara, Osmond
77. Iridium - Iridian, Iria, Iridia
78. Platinum - Plato
79. Gold - Golda and Goldie have already been in use, Gold could work on boys
80. Mercury - this could probably work itself, or Mercurio if you're into Shakespeare
81. Thallium - Thalia, Thalmus
82. Lead - I think this one should be avoided, but there is the ancient name Lefleda
83. Bismuth - no suggestions
84. Polonium - Apollo, Apollonia, Polo, Polonius, Polonia
85. Astatine - Aster, Asta, Astara, Astarte, Asti, Aston
86. Radon - Radovan
87. Francium - any Fran- name such as Frank, Francine, etc.
88. Radium - Radomira
89. Actinium - no suggestions
90. Thorium - anything in the Thor/Thora family
91. Protactinium - Proteus
92. Uranium - Urania, Ourania
93. Neptunium - Neptune
94. Plutonium - no suggestions
95. Americium - America, Americus, Amery
96. Curium - named after Marie Curie
97. Berkelium - Berkley
98. Californium - Callie
99. Einsteinium - Eisele, Eisa
100. Fermium - Fermina
101. Mendelevium - Menda, Mendea, Mendi, or Mendel
102. Nobelium - Noble
103. Lawrencium - Lawrence, Laurentia, Laurent
104. Rutherfordium - obviously Rutherford, but Ruth for girls
105. Dubnium - no suggestions
106. Seaborgium - Seaborn, Seabrooke
107. Bohrium - Boris
108. Hassium - from Latin Hassia
109. Meitnerium - no suggestions
110. Darmstadtium - Dharma
111. Roentgenium - no suggestions
112. Copernicium - Cpernicus, Coppelia
113. Nihonium - as this was named for Japan, any Japanese name might represent it
114. Flerovium - no suggestions
115. Moscovium - no suggestions
116. Livermorium - Livia
117. Tennessine - Tennessee
118. Ognanesson - no suggestions
72. Hafnium - Hafnia was Latin for Copenhagen
73. Tantalum - Tantalus from mythology
74. Tungsten - I think this one could work as a name itself, but the "tongue-like" sound might make that hard to live with
75. Rhenium - no suggestions
76. Osmium - Osmar, Osmara, Osmond
77. Iridium - Iridian, Iria, Iridia
78. Platinum - Plato
79. Gold - Golda and Goldie have already been in use, Gold could work on boys
80. Mercury - this could probably work itself, or Mercurio if you're into Shakespeare
81. Thallium - Thalia, Thalmus
82. Lead - I think this one should be avoided, but there is the ancient name Lefleda
83. Bismuth - no suggestions
84. Polonium - Apollo, Apollonia, Polo, Polonius, Polonia
85. Astatine - Aster, Asta, Astara, Astarte, Asti, Aston
86. Radon - Radovan
87. Francium - any Fran- name such as Frank, Francine, etc.
88. Radium - Radomira
89. Actinium - no suggestions
90. Thorium - anything in the Thor/Thora family
91. Protactinium - Proteus
92. Uranium - Urania, Ourania
93. Neptunium - Neptune
94. Plutonium - no suggestions
95. Americium - America, Americus, Amery
96. Curium - named after Marie Curie
97. Berkelium - Berkley
98. Californium - Callie
99. Einsteinium - Eisele, Eisa
100. Fermium - Fermina
101. Mendelevium - Menda, Mendea, Mendi, or Mendel
102. Nobelium - Noble
103. Lawrencium - Lawrence, Laurentia, Laurent
104. Rutherfordium - obviously Rutherford, but Ruth for girls
105. Dubnium - no suggestions
106. Seaborgium - Seaborn, Seabrooke
107. Bohrium - Boris
108. Hassium - from Latin Hassia
109. Meitnerium - no suggestions
110. Darmstadtium - Dharma
111. Roentgenium - no suggestions
112. Copernicium - Cpernicus, Coppelia
113. Nihonium - as this was named for Japan, any Japanese name might represent it
114. Flerovium - no suggestions
115. Moscovium - no suggestions
116. Livermorium - Livia
117. Tennessine - Tennessee
118. Ognanesson - no suggestions
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